PickleBall Tournament @ Baskin Baptist Church

Baskin Baptist Church 1975 Highway 857, Baskin, La

Teams check in at 8:30 AM --Tomorrow Play begins at 9 AM 2 person teams- fee $40 HTTPS://TINYURL.COM/BBCPICKLEBALL


Man Church at CPBC

Crockett Point Baptist Church, Crowville 139 Crockett Point Church Rd, Winnsboro, LA, United States

Jerimie Reeves will lead the meeting A meal may be after the meeting Come enjoy Christian Fellowship

Man Church at CPBC

Crockett Point Baptist Church, Crowville 139 Crockett Point Church Rd, Winnsboro, LA, United States

Jerimie Reeves will the group May have a meal after. Come enjoy the fellowship