Man Church at CPBC

Crockett Point Baptist Church, Crowville 139 Crockett Point Church Rd, Winnsboro, LA, United States

Jerimie Reeves with lead the meeting A meal may follow

Men’s Breakfast

Boeuf River Baptist Church, Winnsboro 124 Boeuf River Church Road, Winnsboro, LA

Bubba Smith will be directing the service. Come enjoy good food and fellowship.

Franklin Parish Men’s Fall Retreat

Camp Grant Walker

Oct, 31 - Nov.2 Sign up should began around the first of Sept. Location: Camp Grant Walker More information will be available at the sign up website.

Men’s Breakfast

Boeuf River Baptist Church, Winnsboro 124 Boeuf River Church Road, Winnsboro, LA

Breakfast is provided along with a devotion & Prayer.


Cenla 5 Men’s Retreat

Clara Springs Baptist Encampment 4420 Hwy 177, Pelican, LA, United States

Central LA Men's retreat for any man or young adult who wants to deepen their walk with Christ by either a salvation experience or deeper dive into what a disciple […]


Cenla 6 Men’s Retreat

Clara Springs Baptist Encampment 4420 Hwy 177, Pelican, LA, United States

Central LA Men's retreat for any man or young adult who wants to deepen their walk with Christ by either a salvation experience or deeper dive into what a disciple […]
